Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.
Fully-matching results
Naomi Ager (PDF - 146k)
Submission DR254 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
i of2. PERSON.AL SUBMISSION. I am grateful to be in a position to submit my personal submission to the lnquir1. Al-. though I am a member of the RSL Drysdale, the submission is without any aff.ilia-. tion to that organisation or any other ex service
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
John Caligari (PDF - 481k)
Submission DR253 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Submission to Productivity Commission â by Lieutenant General John Caligari, AO, DSC (Retâd). This submission is based on my understanding of the veteransâsupport system based on my involvement with, and living within, the large ex-ADF
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Wayne Craft (PDF - 99k)
Submission DR252 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
To - Productivity Commission - Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Review. Submission from Wayne Craft. First element. General Comments. The following comments and criticisms relate to my experience with DVA since my âmedically
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Veterans' Health Advisory Council (South Australia) (PDF - 134k)
Submission DR251 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Page 1 of 5. Chris Lemmer Executive Officer LITTLEHAMPTON SA 5250. Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM Presiding Commissioner Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Productivity Commission Email: VHAC Submission - Productivity
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association (ARPA) (PDF - 258k)
Submission DR249 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
11 February 2019. Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association ABN: 98 075 324 881. PO Box 429, Cherrybrook NSW 2126. 1300 886 901 |. VeteransâCompensation and Rehabilitation Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2604.
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Alliance of Defence Service Organisations (ADSO) (PDF - 699k)
Submission DR247 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Neville Browne (PDF - 44k)
Submission DR246 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Neville Browne Submission â Draft Findings 7.1 and 7.2. Neville Browne â Submission â Draft Findings 7.1 and 7.2 Page 1. My submission relates to the above sections. The Commission should recommend to the government that it requires a new
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Soldier On (PDF - 137k)
Submission DR245 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
SOLDIER. · ·::,:-::.:·=:-:·=ON. ::· ·. ::· ·. ::· ·. :â¢. The Productivity Commission. Soldier On Headquarters. Building 1, 44 Bellenden Street. CRACE, ACT 2911. 1300 620 380. ABN: 248 117 60786. Inquiry into the Compensation and
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Angela Rainbow (PDF - 195k)
Submission DR244 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the Productivity Commissionâs draft report, âa better way to support veteransâ. We are occupational therapists providing home visiting services to veterans and their dependents under the DVA
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
Paula Dabovich (PDF - 148k)
Submission DR242 for Compensation And Rehabilitation For Veterans View full list
1. Prepared by Dr Paula Dabovich PhD Adjunct Senior Lecturer School of Public Health Visiting Fellow Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies The University of Adelaide. 11 February 2019 Committee Secretary Committee for the Inquiry into Compensation and
Date received: 11 Feb 2019
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