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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Milena Ostrovska (PDF - 55k)

Submission 153 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Healthcare should be in hands of government and not private companies. We are all human beings and paying taxes for these services and we are entitled to get some goodies back and not finish in the greedy private hands. Milena Ostrovska.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

The Centre for Independent Studies (PDF - 182k)

Submission 152 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Human Services Inquiry. July 2016. Trisha Jha, Policy Analyst, The Centre for Independent Studies. Jennifer Buckingham, Senior Research Fellow, The Centre for Independent Studies. Summary. The Human Services

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Shobha Varkey (PDF - 61k)

Submission 151 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Letting private providers into Medicare could see for-profit companies making critical decisions about who gets treated and how. This would lead to a two-tiered system where those with the financial means receive preferential treatment, and those

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Leonardus Hendrickx (PDF - 53k)

Submission 150 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

What I think about your work you do is very good. Leonardus Hendrickx.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Homelessness Australia (PDF - 364k)

Submission 149 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO INTRODUCING COMPETITION AND INFORMED USER CHOICE INTO. HUMAN SERVICES - Submission by Homelessness Australia Background. Homelessness Australia is an unfunded peak not for profit organisation that works with its

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Taraeta Nicholls (PDF - 155k)

Submission 148 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Submission in response to Productivity Commission Issues Paper June 2016, Human Services: Identifying sector for reform. Human Services - Wheatbelt - Rural &Remote Notwithstanding the range of activities listed in the Issues Paper (Productivity

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Andrea Vaughan (PDF - 83k)

Submission 132 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Outsourcing of the medicare payment system will result in a loss of jobs within the public service and is contrary to the governments mantra on jobs and growth. Private companies will be under no obligation to create jobs within

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Anne Warwick (PDF - 60k)

Submission 131 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief Submission. Medibank should be available to everyone.making it private will cause inequality. It's not about insurers it's bout quality for everyone no matter their background or how much they earn. Anne Warwick.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Robert Skappel (PDF - 60k)

Submission 130 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief Submission Dear Sir,. Profit driven healthcare threatens the very foundation of our universal Medicare system. We need investment in our public health system, rather than cost- cutting &outsourcing! Mr Robert Skappel.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

The Benevolent Society (PDF - 676k)

Submission 129 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

JULY 2016. Submission to the Productivity. Commission Inquiry into. Human Services: Identifying. Sectors for Reform. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Human Services Reform The Benevolent Society. Contact:. Joanne Toohey.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

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