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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Una Stephenson (PDF - 79k)

Submission 86 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Brief submission Private and Public systems cove r different needs and should not be confused or integrated. I need a cataract op? Private will do fine! I have a chronic intractible medical condition? Thank goodness for the Public System! I see

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Australian Services Union (PDF - 373k)

Submission 85 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

ASU Submission. Human Services: Identifying sectors for reform. Productivity Commission Inquiry. Submitter:. David Smith, National Secretary. Organisation:. Australian Services Union. Address: 116 Queensberry Street Carlton South, Victoria, 3053.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Michelle Ricketts (PDF - 55k)

Submission 84 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

The government is voted into power by the people and it is up to the government to look after the people and provide basic health and hospital services for them. Medicare is needed to ensure everyone has access to drs and hospitals. In many cases,

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Dr David Miller (PDF - 57k)

Submission 83 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Medicare has been the backbone of health provision for over 40 years. It has enabled disadvantaged children, their parents and all Australians access to essential health services, including safe childbirth. Without Medicare, I, as a doctor would not

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Norman Hanscombe (PDF - 54k)

Submission 82 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

It's vital you push strongly to help the Public understand that nonsense is being circulated to pretend the Health Service is in trouble from the Government. Norman Hanscombe.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Carole Gamble (PDF - 56k)

Submission 81 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Personally , having worked in both private and public health systems , in my opinion there has always been an enormous amount of waste in the public system. Top heavy administration (non-productive) by administrators who have been promoted beyond

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Dr Rob McMurdo (PDF - 54k)

Submission 79 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

It is essential to maintain the control and funding of medicine in the public arena to avoid the private section creaming off profits at the expense of and loss to those who cannot afford to insure themselves.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Wendy Aitkenhead (PDF - 57k)

Submission 78 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Profit-driven healthcare threatens the very foundation of our universal Medicare system, restricting access and quality of care, especially in areas where insurers don't stand to make money. We need investment in our public health system, rather

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Rob Mathew (PDF - 56k)

Submission 77 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

I have worked in Melbourne's western suburbs for more than 30 years. Many of my patients struggle to cover health costs in the present climate. Any reduction to Medicare cover would pose major problems for them.

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

Paris Luckie (PDF - 58k)

Submission 76 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Hi, I'm a third year nursing student about to graduate and hopefully enter the public workforce. However I do not wish to enter a public health care service that cannot fairly and adequately provide health care to all people no matter what colour or

Date received: 25 Jul 2016

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