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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

OptiComm (PDF - 118k)

Submission 13 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

OptiComm Co Pty Ltd ACN 117 414 776. Unit 23, 380 Eastern Valley Way. Chatswood NSW 2067. Legal/463555321. Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation Productivity Commission Issues Paper June 2016 Response by OptiComm Co

Date received: 20 Jul 2016

Remote Area Planning and Development Board (PDF - 360k)

Submission 12 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

RAPAD SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION’S TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATIONS INQUIRY. Introduction. The Remote Area Planning and Development (RAPAD) board’s submission to the Productivity Commissions Telecommunications

Date received: 20 Jul 2016

Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (PDF - 149k)

Submission DR602 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into. Australia’s Intellectual Property Arrangements. Second Submission by the. Australian Libraries Copyright Committee. in response to the Draft Report The Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (ALCC) welcomes

Date received: 20 Jul 2016

Toora Women Inc (PDF - 239k)

Submission 245 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Women Inc. 111111.111111111111111MINI ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS I HOMELESSNESS I COUNSELLING SERVICES. 19 July 2016. Human Services Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East. Melbourne Victoria 8003. Dear Madam / Sir,. Toora

Date received: 20 Jul 2016

Vision Australia (PDF - 154k)

Submission 28 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

20 July 2016. Vision Australia Submission To the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into. Human Services Submission to: services/identifying-reform Response submitted by: Kate Begley, Policy Advisor. Vision

Date received: 20 Jul 2016

Centre for Policy Development (PDF - 290k)

Submission 11 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Page 1. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Data Availability and Use public inquiry Centre for Policy Development July 2016 Author: Geoff Shuetrim. Page 2. About The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) CPD is an independent, non-partisan

Date received: 19 Jul 2016

Isolated Children's Parent's Association of Australia (PDF - 170k)

Submission 11 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Isolated Children’s Parents’Association of Australia Inc. "Access to Education". Submission. to the. Productivity Commission’s. Telecommunications. Universal Service Obligation Public Inquiry. from the. Federal Council. of the. Isolated

Date received: 19 Jul 2016

Regional Development Australia Northern Territory (RDANT) (PDF - 243k)

Submission 10 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATION. INQUIRY. This submission does not attempt to address all the matters raised in the Issues Paper as some relate to. areas that are beyond our scope and

Date received: 19 Jul 2016

Dr Mark Gregory (PDF - 1438k)

Submission 9 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

School of Engineering GPO Box 2476V Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia.  Page 1 of 5. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation. Submission by. Dr Mark A. Gregory FIEAust, SMIEEE.

Date received: 19 Jul 2016

Peter Slattery (PDF - 36k)

Submission 8 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

I live in SA's Flinders Ranges, &provide a submission on the role of USO in Australia's Telecommunications Industry. Whilst the sector has experienced significant change over the years, both industrially (competition, privatisation of Telstra,

Date received: 19 Jul 2016

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