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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Shane W Smith (PDF - 86k)

Submission DR184 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Attention: Productivity Commission. Submitted online via submission#lodge. My name is Shane W Smith, and I am a writer. Four of my seven books have been published here in Australia,

Date received: 28 May 2016

WWF and TRAFFIC (PDF - 650k)

Submission 62 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

WWF-Australia. Level 1, 1 Smail St. Ultimo NSW 2007. GPO Box 528. Sydney NSW 2001. 27th May 2016 Ms. Melinda Cilento Commissioner Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Dear Ms.

Date received: 27 May 2016

LoveOzYA (PDF - 281k)

Submission DR182 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

#LoveOzYA Committee &Community response to. Productivity Commission’s Report on Australia’s intellectual property arrangements. #LoveOzYA is an Australian literary community and grassroots movement; promoting. international awareness of Aussie

Date received: 27 May 2016

Claire Boston (PDF - 104k)

Submission DR181 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Claire Boston. 1. The Productivity Commission’s report into Intellectual Property Arrangements has raised a number of concerns with me which I will outline in this submission. I am an author of five published novels and seven unpublished novels,

Date received: 27 May 2016

Benjamin Stevenson (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR179 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. I write regarding the proposed repeal of Parallel Importation Restrictions (PIRs) on books in Australia. Currently, PIRs in Australia copyright law mean that if an Australian publisher owns the rights to publish a book

Date received: 27 May 2016

Currency Press (PDF - 228k)

Submission DR178 for Intellectual Property Arrangements View full list

27 May, 2016. Re: Productivity Commission inquiry submission regarding. Intellectual Property Arrangements Currency Press is pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission inquiry. While there are many findings and

Date received: 27 May 2016

Social Ventures Australia (PDF - 1358k)

Submission 59 for Education Evidence Base View full list

May 2016 1. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the National Education Evidence Base. Social Ventures Australia May 2016. For further information please contact: Patrick Flynn Director Policy and Advocacy. May 2016 2. Executive

Date received: 26 May 2016

Community Child Care Association (PDF - 156k)

Submission 58 for Education Evidence Base View full list

1 | P a g e Community Child Care Association. Community Child Care Association Submission 25 May 2016. Productivity Commission National Education Evidence Base Inquiry. Community Child Care Association (CCC) is the peak body for community owned and

Date received: 26 May 2016

SA NT Datalink (PDF - 161k)

Submission 57 for Education Evidence Base View full list

1 of 5. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. NATIONAL EDUCATION EVIDENCE BASE – ISSUES PAPER, APRIL 2016. Terms of Reference. In undertaking this inquiry, the Commission has been asked to report on and make recommendations about:. •

Date received: 26 May 2016

Gold Coast Dyslexia Support Group (PDF - 132k)

Submission 56 for Education Evidence Base View full list Submission from the Gold Coast Dyslexia Support Group for the. Education Evidence Base Productivity Commission. In today’s education system, the most important aspect of ‘evidence based education’is also the most

Date received: 26 May 2016

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