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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

The Regional Australia Institute (PDF - 816k)

Submission 42 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

INVESTING IN THE FUTURE OF REGIONAL. COMMUNITIES. Regional Australia Institute Submission – Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into. Migration Intake into Australia. JUNE 2015. Regional Australia Institute Submission - Migration Intake into

Date received: 15 Jun 2015

John Roles (PDF - 117k)

Submission 41 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Migrant Intake into Australia. Productivity Commission Submission The policy and position of Australian government with respect to population issues is the most influential factor likely to impact on Australia’s future sustainability and hence the

Date received: 15 Jun 2015

Peter Gregory (PDF - 149k)

Submission 40 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

A New Plan for Australia’s Humanitarian Intake Currently, the Australian government accepts individuals as part of its humanitarian intake from two sources: those who are transported here under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner

Date received: 15 Jun 2015

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) and Communications Alliance (PDF - 127k)

Submission 21 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

1. COMMUNICATIONS ALLIANCE LTD Level 12, 75 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia PO Box 444 Milsons Point NSW 1565 T 61 2 9959 9111 F 61 2 9954 6136 E ABN 56 078 026 507. Mr Carl Toohey

Date received: 15 Jun 2015

Jan McNicol (PDF - 118k)

Submission 39 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Submission to the inquiry into Migrant Intake into Australia. Jan McNicol. I fully endorse the opinions below of the realities of Australia’s current immigration program. I want to live in an Australia that is ecologically and socially sustainable,

Date received: 14 Jun 2015

Reduce Immigration (PDF - 174k)

Submission 48 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry ‘Migrant Intake into Australia’, 12 June 2015. By the Reduce Immigration website team Website: Email: The Reduce Immigration

Date received: 12 Jun 2015

Peter Green (PDF - 178k)

Submission 38 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

I wish to make a private submission into the Productivity Commission enquiry on Migrate Intake into Australia. The Brief. This Production Commission Enquiry will examine the following aspects of migration :-. • The scope to use alternative methods

Date received: 12 Jun 2015

Sustainable Population Party (PDF - 460k)

Submission 37 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Page 1 of 13 Sustainable Population Party. Sustainable Population Party submission. Productivity Commission review into: Migrant Intake into Australia. “You can’t grow forever in a finite world, ”Dick Smith AC. “Immigration is a rather lazy

Date received: 12 Jun 2015

ACTU (PDF - 678k)

Submission 36 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Page 1 of 47. ACTU Submission. Productivity Commission. Inquiry into the migrant intake. into Australia. 12 June 2015. Page 2 of 47. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. 3. OTHER REVIEW PROCESSES AND ACTU SUBMISSIONS. 4. KEY POINTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.

Date received: 12 Jun 2015

Hobsons Bay City Council (PDF - 1393k)

Submission 35 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

I 12 June 2015. Migrant Intake into Australia Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601. Dear Commissioner,. HOBSONS BAY CITY COUNCIL. Ask for: Natalie Walker. Our Ref: A2146502. Productivity Commission inquiry into migrant intake into

Date received: 12 Jun 2015

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