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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Kien Choong (PDF - 119k)

Submission 36 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

Voice, Exit and Loyalty – submission to Productivity Commission public inquiry into Workplace Relations Framework1. Dear Commission, 1 Worker voice and egalitarian outcomes. Further to my submission of 31 January 2015, where I suggested the

Date received: 2 Mar 2015

Stephen Koci (PDF - 71k)

Submission 34 for Workplace Relations Framework View full list

Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry Via email 28th February 2015 Dear sir/madam, I email to make a submission and state my views to the inquiry, I would hope my views would be considered and respected as I’m an

Date received: 2 Mar 2015

CPA Australia (PDF - 681k)

Submission 30 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

26 February 2015 Business Set-Up and Closure in Australia Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601 By email: Dear Sir/ Madam. SUBJECT: BUSINESS SET-UP, TRANSFER AND CLOSURE ISSUES PAPER CPA Australia

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Business Council of Australia (PDF - 339k)

Submission 29 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of Barriers to Business Entries and Exits in the Australian Economy FEBRUARY 2015. Business Council of Australia • February 2015 1. Contents About this submission 2 Introduction 2 Key

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Small Business Development Corporation (PDF - 282k)

Submission 28 for Business Set-up, Transfer And Closure View full list

Our ref: D15/458. Small Business Development Corporation. Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of Barriers to Business Entries and Exits. in the Australian Economy. February 2015. 1 | P a g e. INTRODUCTION AND FOCUS OF SUBMISSION The

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner (PDF - 142k)

Submission 25 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

ninallBusiness NSWCommissioner Mutual Recognition Schemes Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003. Dear Commissioner,. The Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner Response to the Review of the Mutual Recognition

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Master Plumbers Association of NSW (PDF - 276k)

Submission 24 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

Submission to:-. Productivity Commission MUTUAL RECOGNITION SCHEMES ISSUES PAPER. Submission by:- Master Plumbers Association of NSW 27 February 2015 Contact Details: Mr Paul Naylor – Chief Executive Officer Master Plumbers Association of NSW PO

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

New Zealand Law Society (PDF - 182k)

Submission 23 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

NEW ZEALAND LAW SOCIETY. Law Society Building, 26 Waring Taylor Street, Wellington,. DX SP20202, Wellington or PO Box 5041, Lambton Quay,. Wellington 6145, New Zealand. NZLS EST 1869. TEL 64 4 472 7837 • FAX 64 4 473 7909. E

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Nursing Council of New Zealand (PDF - 171k)

Submission 22 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

27 February 2015 Mutual Recognition Schemes Study Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 By email: Nursing Council of New Zealand – Submission in response to Productivity

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

Dental Council (PDF - 385k)

Submission 21 for Mutual Recognition Schemes View full list

1. Submission. on the 2014 review of the. Mutual Recognition Agreement and the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement. February 2015. To the Australian Productivity Commission LB 2, Collins Street East. Melbourne Vic 8003. AUSTRALIA. 2.

Date received: 27 Feb 2015

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