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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Cockatoo Network (PDF - 110k)

Submission 98 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Cockatoo Network. Integrated Infrastructure Systems. An integrated regional infrastructure system is one in which the different components complement and reinforce each other. It facilitates industrial and commercial operations and enhances

Date received: 31 Jan 2014

Geoff Holman (PDF - 87k)

Submission 96 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Public Infrastructure: Provision, Funding, Financing and Costs Geoff Holman - Private Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry. Introduction and opening comments. Minister Hockey is to be congratulated on initiating this inquiry, which to

Date received: 31 Jan 2014

Don Napier (PDF - 86k)

Submission 66 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

RESPONSE TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT INTO BASS STRAIT SHIPPING &FREIGHT. The Tasmanian Govt is saying that tourism is one of the largest contributors to the States Economy and yet it occupies a very small proportion of your research and

Date received: 31 Jan 2014

G A Cossar and Co Pty Ltd (PDF - 204k)

Submission 82 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

A Cossal &Co PtyA Ltd, ESTABLISHED 1994. PO Box 445, Rye, Victoria 3941 Telephone 5985 2295 Fax 5985 2189. Geoff Cossar B.Ec., F.A.I.B.F Cert. of Bus. Studies Cert. of Inv. &Fin Planning. 29 January 2014. Tasmanian Shipping Inquiry Productivity

Date received: 30 Jan 2014

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF - 781k)

Submission 95 for Public Infrastructure View full list

ACTU Submission to the. Productivity Commission. Public Infrastructure Inquiry. Contents Introduction. 1. Summary. 2. Construction industry wages and productivity. 3. Measures of wages growth in construction. 3 Productivity growth. 5 The labour

Date received: 29 Jan 2014

Regional Australia Institute (PDF - 1918k)

Submission 92 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Public Infrastructure Inquiry. Infrastructure and regional Australia PAGE 0 An integrated national approach to. investment in local and regional. infrastructure. Submission

Date received: 28 Jan 2014

Australian Bar Association (PDF - 384k)

Submission 149 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

RESPONSE TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REPORT 11 DECEMBER 2013. Introduction. The ABA appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper on Access to Justice Arrangements. The ABA has considered the submission

Date received: 28 Jan 2014

Paul Burrell (PDF - 13k)

Submission DR499 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

As a parent, my key concerns with childcare are the quality of the carers and educators who care for my children and, also very importantly, the price I have to pay when choosing to return to work. I have 1 child, 2 years old, in a not for profit

Date received: 22 Jan 2014

Atlas Iron (PDF - 117k)

Submission 93 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Date received: 22 Jan 2014

Risk Frontiers (PDF - 632k)

Submission DR132 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission’s. Draft Report on Natural Disaster Funding Reform. Risk Frontiers, Macquarie University. Table of Contents. General Comments. 1. Risk Frontiers. 2. Our Key Issues. 3. Specific issues:. 6. Appendix 1 – Is

Date received: 21 Jan 2014

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