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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Engineers Australia (PDF - 105k)

Submission 36 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Royal Engineers Building 2 Davey Street Hobart Tas 7000. Phone: 03 6234 2228 13 December 2013 Tasmanian Shipping Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 – BY

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

SeaRoad Holdings Pty Ltd (PDF - 252k)

Submission 35 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

SeaRoad Holdings Pty Ltd | Level 4, 650 Lorimer Street | PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207. Productivity Commission Inquiry into. Tasmania’s Shipping Costs and. Competitiveness of Tasmania’s Freight Industry. Submitted on: 13 December 2013. SeaRoad contact

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

National Sea Highway Coalition – Tasmanian Division (PDF - 126k)

Submission 34 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Towards a True National Highway - Bridging the gap across Bass Strait. RReessppoonnssee ttoo tthhee. IInnqquuiirryy iinnttoo TTaassmmaanniiaa’’ss SShhiippppiinngg CCoossttss aanndd tthhee CCoommppeettiittiivveenneessss ooff tthhee.

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

ANL Container Line Pty Ltd (PDF - 662k)

Submission 33 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Tasmania’s Shipping Costs and Competitiveness. of Tasmania’s Freight Industry. Submission by: ANL Container Line Pty Ltd 13th December 2013. 1. ANL is pleased to offer the following comments in relation to

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Maritime Union of Australia (PDF - 299k)

Submission 32 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

MARITIME UNION OF AUSTRALIA (MUA). SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. INQUIRY INTO TASMANIAN SHIPPING AND FREIGHT. 13 DECEMBER 2013. 1. Introduction 1.1 The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) welcomes the opportunity to make a. submission to the

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Tasmanian Ports Corporation (PDF - 104k)

Submission 30 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 82 114 161 938 T 1300 366 742 Productivity Commission – Tasmanian Freight and Shipping Inquiry The Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd (Tasports) is a private company fully owned by the

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Australian Shipowners Association (PDF - 615k)

Submission 29 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Member of the International Chamber of Shipping &Asian Shipowners Forum. Level 1, 4 Princes Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 T:61 3 9647 6000 F:61 3 9646 2256. Australian Shipowners Association Limited ABN 73 006 627

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) (PDF - 100k)

Submission 28 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) submission. to the Productivity Commission Inquiry. into Tasmanian Shipping and Freight. December 2013. ACCC submission to the PC Inquiry into Tasmania's shipping costs — December 2013 iii.

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Northern Tasmania Development (PDF - 276k)

Submission 27 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Page 1 of 5. Tasmanian Shipping and Freight Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. 13 December 2013 RE: SUBMISSION ON TASMANIAN SHIPPING AND FREIGHT INQUIRY Dear Productivity Commission,. Northern

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

Net Sea Freight - Tasmania Pty Ltd (PDF - 181k)

Submission 26 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Net Sea Freight – Tasmania Pty Ltd. Productivity Commission Review of Tasmanian Shipping. Submission. Authors:. Craig Lewis, BIS, MIS. Steve Henty, BCom. Brian East, BCom, BEc (Hons), Dip Ed (Tas), MBA (Adel). 13 December 2013. Net Sea Freight –

Date received: 13 Dec 2013

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