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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Women's Legal Services Australia (PDF - 197k)

Submission 29 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

W o. m e. n 's. L e. g a. l S. e rv. ic e. s A. u s. tr a. li a. P O. B o. x 3. 1 8 2. , E. a s. t P. e rt. h W. A 6. 8 9. 2. (0. 8 ). 9 2. 7 2 8. 8 5 5. w. w w.w ls. a.o. rg.a. u. Women's Legal Services Australia. 4.11.13. Dear Mr Raine,.

Date received: 4 Nov 2013

Peninsula Community Legal Centre (PDF - 466k)

Submission 28 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Arrangements 1 November 2013. Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Arrangements 1 November 2013 Page 1. Introduction. Peninsula Community Legal

Date received: 4 Nov 2013

Hunter Community Legal Centre (PDF - 648k)

Submission 26 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

1. Table of Contents. About the Hunter Community Legal Centre. 2. About this Submission. 2. TOR 2: Level of Demand for Legal Services. 3. 2.1 Unmet Legal Need. 3. 2.1.1 Employment Law Turnaways. 3. 2.2 Persons who cannot afford to secure legal

Date received: 4 Nov 2013

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (PDF - 154k)

Submission 24 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, VIC, 3000 Phone: 03 9662 3324. TTY: 03 9662 3724 Fax: 03 9662 3325. Email: Web: Access to Justice Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 4 November 2013 The

Date received: 4 Nov 2013

Office of the Australian Small Business Commissioner (PDF - 123k)

Submission 23 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Access to Justice Arrangements SUBMISSION by the OFFICE OF THE AUSTRALIAN SMALL BUSINESS COMMISSIONER NOVEMBER 2013. 2 Access to Justice Arrangements. We are writing to provide some observations on small business access to justice. Although our

Date received: 4 Nov 2013

Tom Benjamin (Vice- President Medical Consumers Association) (PDF - 136k)

Submission 44 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Medical Consumers Association was formed at the University of NSW in 1977. Its main role has been to ensure that the so-called ‘consumer voice’is taken in vain as any sort of rationale for reforms. Medical consumers do not have a common voice,

Date received: 3 Nov 2013

Medical Consumers Association Inc (PDF - 424k)

Submission 41 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

1. MEDICAL CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION Inc. Reg. No. INC1171602 P.O. Box 230 Balgowlah NSW 2093. 3 November 2013 Access to Justice Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Submission to an inquiry into Australia's system of civil

Date received: 3 Nov 2013

Kevin Rothery (PDF - 211k)

Submission 22 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Access to Justice Arrangements. Productivity Commission Act 1998. Inquiry Submission, from Kev Rothery. To The Productivity Commission. I would first like to say thank you for providing this opportunity for stakeholders to submit to an inquiry that

Date received: 3 Nov 2013

US Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (PDF - 620k)

Submission 25 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

1. November 1, 2013. Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Access to Justice Arrangements. Submission from the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The information that follows is largely drawn from two recently released reports issued by the U.S

Date received: 2 Nov 2013

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