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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australasian Association of Convenience Stores Limited (PDF - 172k)

Submission 34 for Regulator Engagement With Small Business View full list

1. 8 August 2013 AACS SUBMISSION: REGULATOR ENGAGEMENT WITH SMALL BUSINESS Regulator Engagement with Small Business Productivity Commission PO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 To whom it may concern, The Australasian

Date received: 8 Aug 2013

Minerals Council of Australia (PDF - 84k)

Submission 74 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

1. Minerals Council of Australia response to Productivity Commission Draft Report into the National Access Regime. The framework outlined by the Productivity Commission in its Draft Report into the National Access Regime represents an evolution in

Date received: 8 Aug 2013

Community Legal Centres NSW and others (PDF - 177k)

Submission 4 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

2 August 2013 Dr Warren Mundy Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003 Dear Dr Mundy, Access to Justice for ‘disadvantaged parties’We are the five funded peak organisations for community legal centres (CLCs) in Australia

Date received: 2 Aug 2013

Carmel Riordan (PDF - 69k)

Submission 29 for Safeguards Inquiry Into The Import Of Processed Tomato Products View full list

Dear Mr Turner I would be grateful if my comment on the Import of Processed Tomato Products could be noted for the current Productivity Commission Inquiry. I heartily endorse Australian industry and home-grown produce, especially food products,

Date received: 31 Jul 2013

Italian National Industry Association of Conserved Vegetables (PDF - 228k)

Submission 27 for Safeguards Inquiry Into The Import Of Processed Tomato Products View full list

Sa feg ua rd in ves t iga t io n c o n ce rn ing p roc e ss ed o r p re se rved to ma toe s. S ub miss io n on b eh a l f o f the I ta l ian N a t ion a l In dus tr y As s oc ia t io n o f C on se rved V eg e tab le s. 2 9 J u l y 2 0 1 3. 2 | 23.

Date received: 31 Jul 2013

Rio Tinto (PDF - 173k)

Submission 73 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

National Access Regime Review – Rio Tinto Iron Ore Further Submission Regarding the. Productivity Commission Draft Report 31 July 2013. 2. 1. Introduction. 1 On 5 July 2013 Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) made a submission in response to the

Date received: 31 Jul 2013

Doctors for the Environment Australia Inc (PDF - 464k)

Submission 70 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

The following are members of our Scientific Committee and support the work of Doctors for the Environment Australia. Prof. Stephen Boyden AM; Prof. Peter Doherty AC; Prof. Bob Douglas AO; Prof. Michael Kidd AM; Prof. David de Kretser AC; Prof.

Date received: 31 Jul 2013

Ross Gengos (PDF - 48k)

Submission 26 for Safeguards Inquiry Into The Import Of Processed Tomato Products View full list

Deakin ACT 2600 29 July 2013 Processed Tomato Safeguards Inquiry Productivity Commission LB2 Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003 Dear Sirs I have just become aware of this Inquiry and, although the date for submissions has passed, would like to make

Date received: 30 Jul 2013

BuyAustralianMade (PDF - 115k)

Submission 54 for Safeguards Inquiry Into The Import Of Processed Fruit Products View full list

Submission in regard to the impact of imported processed fruit on the economy of the Goulburn /Murray Valleys. Background BuyAustralianMade - BuyAustralianMade (BAM) is a member based organisation founded in

Date received: 29 Jul 2013

Patrick Croci (PDF - 52k)

Submission 49 for Safeguards Inquiry Into The Import Of Processed Fruit Products View full list

Good Morning, I would like to show my support for the request from SPC Ardmona for temporary protection from cheap and heavily subsidised imports. I have no affiliation to anyone in this industry. I am concerned that we will have massive job losses

Date received: 29 Jul 2013

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