Learning but not always doing: Sources of multifactor productivity growth in Australia
26 February 2025 | Lawson Ashburner, Senior Research Economist, and Vincent Wong, Assistant Research Officer
This article appeared as part of our Annual Productivity Bulletin in February 2025.
Recent issues of the Productivity Commission’s (PC’s) Quarterly productivity bulletin have highlighted that the productivity bubble has now deflated, meaning that productivity rose during the COVID-19 pandemic but has since collapsed back to its pre‑COVID levels.
The productivity in this story is labour productivity – output per hour worked. Growth in labour productivity comes from two sources: more investment (capital deepening), and better ways of combining capital and labour to produce outputs – also known as multifactor productivity (MFP) growth.
MFP growth has been slower over the past two decades. This suggests that our economy has improved at using labour and capital, but the rate of improvement has been slower than it used to be. Why is this happening? Are we not learning new ways of organising labour and capital as rapidly as we once were? Or are we just applying fewer of the skills, knowledge and innovations that we have?
Both are true, according to the PC’s new decomposition of changes in MFP, based on a method devised by Diewert and Fox (2018) and previously applied to Australian data by Zeng et al. (2018).
The method decomposes MFP into the MFP frontier and inefficiency.
- The MFP frontier is the highest level of MFP achievable with contemporary knowledge and mix of capital and labour inputs. We never actually witness the true frontier, but the decomposition takes a conservative approach and estimates it to be roughly the highest level of MFP previously achieved in each industry. It is assumed that industries never ‘forget’ the best way to combine labour and capital, and so the frontier can only decline because of changes in the availability of labour and capital. In practice, changes in the availability of labour and capital have quite a small impact on the frontier. 1
- Inefficiency captures how far actual MFP is from the MFP frontier.
The decomposition suggests two reasons for the slowdown (figure 1). 2
First, we seem to be finding fewer new and better ways to organise inputs. Growth in the MFP frontier has slowed since the mid-2000s (the transparent blue line grows more slowly since then). 3
Second, we are not using our resources as we best know how. Inefficiency crept into the economy in the 2000s and has persisted since (the light blue bars grow over the 2000s and do not subsequently decline). This inefficiency is now substantial – MFP would have been about 7% higher in 2023-24 without it. It is also somewhat cyclical, temporarily rising around the global financial crisis in the late 2000s and the recent COVID-19 crisis, which is probably because more capital sits idle in economic downturns than during better times.
Figure 1 – MFP growth slowed because growth in the frontier slowed and inefficiency crept in
The drivers of MFP differ by industry
MFP growth has varied greatly between industries, and the decomposition suggests the drivers have varied too.
Business services and distribution services have both seen continual growth in their MFP frontiers, but actual business services MFP was stagnant between the mid‑1990s and late 2000s, while actual distribution services MFP grew steadily from the mid‑1990s (figure 2, panels a and b). 4
Inefficiency explains the difference – business services became progressively less efficient between the mid-1990s and late 2000s and has only partly recovered since, while distribution services remained efficient throughout.
Personal services and the goods sector (excluding mining) have followed similar trajectories to one another (figure 2, panels c and d). Both saw rapid MFP growth until the late 2000s, driven by growth in their MFP frontiers, and stagnation in the 2010s due to a lack of frontier movement and creeping inefficiency. Both, especially the goods sector, also saw frontier expansion in recent times, boosting MFP.
The utilities and construction sectors stand out as poor performers. Their MFP was stagnant from the mid-1990s to early 2010s, as there was growth in their MFP frontiers and growing inefficiency in roughly equal measure (figure 2, panel e). Since then, MFP has continually fallen as there has been no movement in the frontier and rising inefficiency.
Figure 2 – Multifactor productivity growth, and its drivers, varies by industry group
What might explain these different movements in the MFP frontier and efficiency?
The differences in the growth of the MFP frontier are likely because some industries are better suited to exploiting new technology for MFP growth. For example, the extent to which service industries can utilise work from home, be offshored or delivered remotely is correlated with growth in their MFP (PC 2021), probably because the improvements in information and communications technologies and growing globalisation since the 1990s boosted competition in industries with these inherent features, incentivising innovation and leading to growth in their MFP frontiers. Many business and distribution services industries meet these criteria, such as professional and technical services and information, media and telecommunications services. In contrast, many personal services and utilities and construction industries require face‑to‑face contact or physical delivery of the service, which can make them more difficult to offshore or deliver remotely.
Education is another plausible driver of the differences in MFP frontier growth. Since the mid-1990s, the quality of the labour force (based on education and experience) in business and distribution services grew by more than in other industries (figure 3). More educated and experienced workers can, in theory, produce more per hour worked, even with the same amount of capital per worker.
The inter‑industry differences in efficiency are harder to explain. Inefficiency can occur because new technology makes old capital obsolete, but firms do not dispose of the capital and so it goes underutilised (Fox 2018). More stringent regulation is another possible driver, as regulation can prevent firms adopting new technologies and using resources efficiently. Indeed, even well‑designed regulation might reduce MFP in pursuit of other social, environmental or economic goals that are not captured by output. Measurement error may also be a contributor. Both regulation and measurement error reduced measured MFP in the utilities industry in the 2000s (Topp and Kulys 2012).
Figure 3 – The MFP frontier grew faster in industries in which workers upskilled
Australia’s MFP could be higher
The decomposition is not perfect. Most notably, it attributes the reductions to mining MFP to inefficiency, which is debatable and why we excluded the mining industry from the whole‑of‑market‑sector measure in figure 1 (box 1).
But even with these imperfections, the decomposition encourages us to broaden how we think about MFP. Discussions about boosting MFP growth often focus on boosting the rate of technological innovation – in other words, they focus on the MFP frontier. The frontier is important, but the decomposition shows that efficiency matters too. The PC’s 2023 Productivity Inquiry examined this in the volume Innovation for the 98%, and highlighted that only about 2% of Australian firms innovate in ways that are new to the world (PC 2023). Its central theme was that much productivity growth will come from the wider adoption of established, even dated, technologies and practices by the other 98% of firms.
The PC is revisiting this theme in the five inquiries it is currently undertaking under each pillar of the Australian Government’s productivity growth agenda.
Box 1 – Beware ‘missing’ inputs, compositional changes, and simultaneous changes in the MFP frontier and inefficiency
There are three instances in which the decomposition cannot fully account for the drivers of changes in MFP – changes in ‘missing’ inputs, changes in the composition of industry output and simultaneous changes in the MFP frontier and inefficiency.
Changes in ‘missing’ inputs
In some industries, capital, labour and intermediate products are not the only inputs into production. Interpreting the decomposition requires some care where key inputs are unaccounted for, or ‘missing’.
The mining industry is the most prominent example. The decomposition indicates that the mining MFP frontier has not moved this century and that inefficiencies have reduced mining MFP since 2000-01 (appendix figure A.2, panel b).
In reality, the long term decline in mining MFP is likely because easier to mine resources have been depleted but rising prices for Australian minerals have made it profitable to pursue harder to mine resources (Topp et al. 2008; Zheng and Bloch 2014). As this explanation predicts, increases in mining output prices tend to be associated with reductions in mining MFP, with a lag of several years to facilitate construction of infrastructure projects (appendix figure A.6). Similarly, falls in prices are associated with increases in mining MFP. It is possible that labour and capital are being used efficiently but extract less because the land now being mined is less fertile. This appears as inefficiency because MFP statistics do not consider the quality of the natural resources as an input to the mining industry (they are ‘missing’ inputs).
The agriculture, forestry and fishing industry faces a similar issue – the weather is not captured as an input, so measured MFP can decline sharply in bad weather, such as in 2003 and 2019 (appendix figure A.2, panel a; ABS 2023). 5 The decomposition attributes this to inefficiency, but that is debatable – perhaps labour and capital were used efficiently but bad weather intervened.
Changes in the composition of industry output
The decomposition can mislead when an industry’s MFP changes because the composition of its output changes. For example, suppose an industry consisted of one highly productive subindustry and one unproductive subindustry. If the unproductive subindustry were to grow relative to the productive subindustry, the industry’s overall MFP would decline. The decomposition would attribute this to inefficiency, but it is actually due to a change in the composition of the industry’s output. Alternatively, if the compositional shift were to occur in the opposite direction (the productive subindustry was to grow relative to the unproductive subindustry), the decomposition would erroneously attribute the resultant growth in the industry’s overall MFP to an increase in its MFP frontier.
There is no way to get a complete picture of these issues because there is no data on MFP at the sub industry level. Nevertheless, the limited data on changes in the composition of industry output (appendix figure A.7 and A.8) suggests that:
- the growth in the business services MFP frontier may be overstated, because the business services industries in which the MFP frontier grew (finance and insurance services; professional, scientific and technical services) witnessed concurrent shifts in output composition
- the inefficiency in distribution services during the COVID19 pandemic may be overstated, because this can be traced to measured inefficiency in the transport, postal and warehousing industry (appendix figure A.4, panel a) which coincided with a sharp change in the composition of output due to the temporary shuttering of air travel.
Simultaneous changes in the MFP frontier and inefficiency
The decomposition is not able to disentangle simultaneous changes in MFP and inefficiency. For example, suppose that an industry was operating efficiently in one year, and in the next year an improved management technique was discovered (an increase in the MFP frontier), but only a small share of firms adopted it (an increase in inefficiency). This would appear as MFP and the MFP frontier growing by the same amount (less than the true increase in the MFP frontier) and no inefficiency.
An appendix to this article is available in the Productivity Bulletin.
ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences) 2024, Australian Farm Productivity – Broadacre and Dairy Estimates – DAFF, https://www.agriculture.gov.au/abares/research-topics/productivity/agricultural-productivity-estimates#daff-page-main (accessed 10 February 2025).
ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2023, Interpreting ABS productivity statistics, https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/interpreting-abs-productivity-statistics (accessed 10 February 2025).
Diewert, WE and Fox, KJ 2018, ‘Decomposing Value-Added Growth into Explanatory Factors’, The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis.
Fox, K 2018, What Do We Know About the Productivity Slowdown? Evidence from Australian Industry Data, International Productivity Monitor, https://unsworks.unsw.edu.au/entities/publication/cea717c0-d868-4f07-9dda-67a192a3838f/full (accessed 10 February 2025).
PC (Productivity Commission) 2021, Things you can’t drop on your feet: An overview of Australia’s services sector productivity, PC Productivity Insights, April, Canberra.
—— 2023, 5-year Productivity Inquiry: Innovation for the 98%, Inquiry report no. 100, vol. 5, Canberra.
Topp, V and Kulys, T 2012, Productivity in Electricity, Gas and Water: Measurement and Interpretation, Staff working paper, March, Productivity Commission, Canberra.
——, Soames, L, Parham, D and Bloch, H 2008, Productivity in the Mining Industry: Measurement and Interpretation, Staff working paper, December, Productivity Commission, Canberra.
Zeng, S, Parsons, S, Diewert, WE and Fox, KJ 2018, ‘Industry & State Level Value Added and Productivity Decompositions’, Presentation to the Centre for Applied Economic Research’s EMG Workshop, 29 November 2018.
Zheng, S and Bloch, H 2014, ‘Australia’s mining productivity decline: implications for MFP measurement’, Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 201–212.
1. The full decomposition further splits the MFP frontier into a technical frontier term and an input prices term, but these are combined in this article. Return to text
2. The decomposition is performed at the industry level and then aggregated, which leads to slightly different estimates of aggregated MFP than official measures. To illustrate, appendix figure A.1 compares the decomposition-estimated market sector MFP to the official market sector MFP. Return to text
3. Because figure 1 has a log scale, the change from a steeper linear trend to a flatter linear trend in the mid-2000s indicates a slowdown in the rate of exponential growth. Return to text
4. Appendix figures A.2 to A.5 show the decomposition at the individual industry level. Return to text
5. While not part of the National Accounts, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences produces ‘climate adjusted’ measures of farm MFP that do this (ABARES 2024). Return to text