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Report on Government Services 1999

Archived report

The content below was current as at the time of preparing the 1999 report, released on 11 February 1999.

For the most up to date information and interactive charts visit the latest RoGS report.

This report was released on 11 February 1999. It has been produced by the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision (SCRCSSP). The report has been published in two volumes.

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Appendix A Descriptive statistics appendix


Volume 2

Page 825, paragraph five
first sentence, replace $70 575 with $69 760.

paragraph six
replace $70 325 with $70 122.

Page 826, figure 11.15 (and Overview figure 32)
replace the Australian figure for 1997-98 with $69 760. Replace the ACT figure for 1997-98 with $62 865.

paragraph two, first sentence
replace $70 521 with $65 306.

paragraph two, second sentence
replace 'highest in the ACT ($89 874)' with 'highest in NSW ($78 341).' paragraph three, first sentence

paragraph three, first sentence
replace 16 per cent with 6 per cent.

paragraph three, second sentence
delete 'and the ACT' after WA, insert 'and the ACT' after Tasmania.

Page 827, figure 11.16 (and Overview figure 33)
replace the Australian figure for 1997-98 with $65 306. Replace the ACT figure for 1997-98 with $60 467.

Page 856, 857, tables 11A.20 and 11A.21
cost per government institutional/large residential place:

  • ACT - replace $69 168 in 1997-98 with $62 865
  • Aust - replace $70 575 in 1997-98 with $69 760.

cost per government community accommodation and care place:

  • ACT - replace $89 874 in 1997-98 with $60 467
  • Aust - replace $70 521 in 1997-98 with $65 306.

Page 886, first sentence
add the words 'except in Victoria' after '... and Youth Affairs'.

Page 892, line 9*
replace 'at least 8 per cent' with '5.4 per cent'

Page 927, table 12A.32 Victoria Government expenditure on children's services
*'Administrative expenditure', replace 6 100 with 3 927
'Other expenditure' on child care, replace 8 293 for 1997-98 with 6 638
'Other expenditure' on preschool, replace 50 076 for 1997-98 with 59 076
'Expenditure on assets' for child care, replace 'na' for 1997-98 with 0
*'Total expenditure', replace 'na' for 1997-98 with 72 450.

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