Report on Government Services 2025
E Health
Data downloads
These data tables relate to the sector as a whole. Data specific to individual service areas is in the data tables under the relevant service area.
- Health data tables (XLSX 437.9 KB)
- Health dataset (CSV 1.1 MB)
Refer to the Sector overview text and corresponding table number in the data tables for detailed definitions, caveats, footnotes and data source(s).
Note: Data tables are referenced by table xA.1, xA.2, etc, with x referring to the section or overview. For example, table EA.1 refers to data table 1 for this sector overview.
Main aims of services within the sector
The main objective of the health sector is that Australians are born and remain healthy. To this end, health sector services seek to promote, restore and maintain a healthy society through the delivery of services that prevent illness, promote health, detect and treat illness and injury, rehabilitate and provide palliative care.
The health sector
In Australia, the health sector consists of four main services.
Primary and community health
Primary and community health services aim to promote health, prevent illness and support people to manage their health issues in the community. These include general practice, pharmaceutical services, dentistry, allied health services, community health services, maternal and child health and alcohol and other drug treatment.
- Total government real recurrent expenditure on primary and community health services was $50.3 billion in 2022-23.
- There were 29,215 full-time equivalent (FTE) general practitioners (GPs), equating to 109.7 per 100,000 people nationally in 2023.
- Around 226 million services were subsidised under Section 85 and Section 100 of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in 2023-24.
Ambulance services
Ambulance service organisations are the primary agencies involved in providing emergency medical care, pre-hospital and out-of-hospital care, and transport services.
- Total government real recurrent expenditure on ambulance services was $5.9 billion in 2023-24.
- Total ambulance service organisation revenue was $5.6 billion in 2023-24.
- There were 25,345 registered paramedics in Australia in 2023-24.
- There were 5.8 million ambulance responses to 4.4 million incidents in 2023-24.
Public hospitals
Public hospitals aim to alleviate or manage illness and the effects of injury by providing acute, non and sub-acute care along with emergency and outpatient care.
- Total government real recurrent expenditure on public hospitals (excluding depreciation) was $96.1 billion in 2022-23.
- There were 700 public hospitals in Australia in 2022-23, comprising 65,051 public hospital beds (equivalent to 2.5 beds per 1,000 people).
- Approximately 7.1 million separations from public (non-psychiatric) hospitals in 2022-23.
Services for mental health
Services for mental health aim to promote mental health and wellbeing, and where possible prevent the development of mental health problems; and when mental health problems and illness do occur, reduce their impact.
- Total government real recurrent expenditure allocated to mental health services was $12.6 billion in 2022-23.
- A further $5.3 billion was provided to support people with a significant and enduring primary psychosocial disability through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in 2022-23.
- 12.6 million Medicare-subsidised services for mental health were provided in Australia in 2023-24. This includes Medicare-subsidised mental health services provided by primary and community health providers, state and territory government specialised mental health services and non-government services providing community-based support.
Detailed information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of service provision and the achievement of outcomes for the primary and community health, ambulance services, public hospitals, and mental health services is contained in the service-specific sections.
Government expenditure in the sector
Total government recurrent expenditure for health services for the latest years covered in this report was $152 billion.
For the 2022‑23 financial year (the most recent financial year for which data are available across all sections) this represented 40.7% of total government expenditure covered in this report.
As much of the expenditure on services for mental health is already captured in public hospital and primary and community health expenditure, it is not included in the health sector expenditure total to avoid double counting.
Flows in the sector
Health services in Australia are delivered by a variety of government and non‑government providers in a range of service settings that do not have a clearly defined path (figure E.1).
Figure E.1 Client flow within the Australian health care system
Sector-wide data
This overview provides selected population health insights across four themes:
- Babies born of low birthweight
- Selected potentially preventable diseases
- Life expectancy
- Mortality rates.
Babies born of low birthweight
In 2022, 5.1% of babies born in Australia were of low birthweight (table EA.1). Nationally, the proportion of babies born of low birthweight to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers was more than twice that for babies born to non-Indigenous mothers (figure E.2).
Further information on the historical and ongoing context for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is available on the Closing the Gap Information Repository website – Target 2
Selected potentially preventable diseases
Selected potentially preventable diseases are diseases that could potentially have been prevented through the provision of health interventions and early disease management. Diseases covered in this report include selected cancers, heart attacks and type 2 diabetes.
- Nationally in 2021, the age standardised rate of new cases of selected cancers was highest for female breast cancer (123.3 per 100,000 females), followed by melanoma, bowel cancer and lung cancer (49.1, 47.7 and 40.9 per 100,000 people, respectively) and lowest for cervical cancer (7.1 per 100,000 females) (table EA.11).
- Nationally in 2022, the age standardised rate of heart attacks (acute coronary events) was 266.9 cases per 100,000 people aged 25 years or over (table EA.14). The national rate has decreased each year over the 10 years included in this report. The rate for females is less than half the rate for males.
- Nationally in 2022, an estimated 4.5% of adults had type 2 diabetes (table EA.16).
Life expectancy
Historically, life expectancy has risen steadily over time but has decreased in recent years. In 2021–23, life expectancy at birth was 81.1 years for males and 85.1 years for females – slightly lower than 2020–22 (table EA.20). The life expectancy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is considerably lower than that of other people, with a life expectancy at birth of 71.9 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males and 75.6 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females born between 2020–22 (table EA.21).
Further information on the historical and ongoing context for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is available on the Closing the Gap Information Repository website – Target 1
Mortality rates
The national age standardised mortality rate was 512.9 deaths per 100,000 people in 2023 – a decrease from 2022 (figure E.3). In line with life expectancy data, mortality rates are higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people compared to non-Indigenous people (table EA.23).
Child mortality
Mortality data is separately reported for children as follows:
- Registered perinatal deaths, comprising fetal deaths (stillbirths) and neonatal deaths (death of an infant within 28 days of birth)
- Registered infant deaths (children aged less than 1 year)
- Registered infant and child deaths (children aged 0–4 years).
Registered perinatal, infant and child deaths data are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Causes of Death collection, which is based on information from births, deaths, and marriage registrars. Further information on hospital recorded perinatal deaths is available from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Perinatal Mortality Data Collection (2024).
Nationally, in 2023:
- there were 8.2 registered perinatal deaths per 1,000 births (table EA.32), of which around 72.2% were fetal deaths and the remainder neonatal deaths (table EA.30–31)
- the average infant mortality rate was 3.2 registered deaths per 1,000 live births (table EA.26). Over the past 10 years, the average infant mortality rate has ranged from 3.1 (2016 and 2018) to 3.4 (2014) registered deaths per 1,000 live births.
The Australian infant and child combined mortality rate (3-year average) has decreased over time from 82.5 deaths per 100,000 population in 2012–14 to 74.5 deaths per 100,000 population in 2021–23 (table EA.28).
Causes and prevention
The most common causes of death among all Australians in 2023 were neoplasms (cancer) and circulatory diseases (including heart disease, heart attack and stroke) (table EA.24). Data by Indigenous status is available in table EA.25.
There is potential to prevent some deaths through individualised care and/or to treat health conditions through existing primary or hospital care.
- Nationally, there were 97.2 potentially avoidable deaths per 100,000 people in 2023 – a decrease on 2022 (101.8 per 100,000 people) (table EA.17).
- The rate of potentially avoidable deaths in 2019–23 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was 301.0 per 100,000 people – the highest rate over the reported time series (since 2017–21) and more than three times the rate for other Australians (94.5) (table EA.18).
Data on key risk factors affecting population health outcomes (including overweight or obesity, smoking and risky alcohol consumption) are available in tables EA.3–10. In summary, nationally in 2022:
- 33.7% of adults were overweight, while 31.1% were obese – a decrease and increase, respectively, since 2017-18. Additionally, 19.5% of children aged 5–17 years were overweight, while 8.3% were obese – an increase since 2017-18 (table EA.3).
- 10.7% of Australians reported that they were current daily smokers, the lowest proportion recorded in the time series (since 2007-08) (table EA.6).
- 12.9% of Australians exceeded the alcohol lifetime risk guidelines (as defined by the 2009 National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC] guidelines) – the lowest proportion recorded in the time series (since 2007-08) (table EA.8).
Performance outcomes summary
A summary of the primary and community health, ambulance services, hospitals and mental health services performance indicator results are presented. Detailed information is in the service-specific sections.
10 Primary and community health
11 Ambulance services
12 Public hospitals
13 Services for mental health
AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2024, National Perinatal Mortality data collection, (accessed 18 October 2024).