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Report on Government Services

The Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. The 2023 RoGS was progressively released between 24 January and 7 February 2023.

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Impact of COVID-19 on data in the 2023 Report

COVID‑19 may affect data in this Report in a number of ways. This includes in respect of:

  • actual performance — that is, the impact of COVID‑19 on service delivery between 2020 and 2022 which is reflected in indicator data
  • the collection and processing of data — that is, the ability of data providers to undertake data collection and process results for inclusion in the Report (regardless of the time period of the data).

For affected data, the impacts of various restrictions introduced from March 2020 have been identified and noted in relevant sections. The impacts predominately related to changes in service inputs, outputs and outcomes, but did not change the comparability of any indicators in this Report. For some service areas, impacts on the 2021 Report have not recurred in later reports. For example, NAPLAN testing was not conducted in 2020 (data reported in section 4 - School education) but resumed in 2021. In other areas, (such as Part E - Health), the impacts of COVID-19 and governments’ responses continue to be seen in data.

The Steering Committee will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on future editions of this Report.

The 2023 RoGS is available below, with earlier editions accessible by changing the year in the white box and pressing ‘Change year’.

A guide is provided which outlines how to access the RoGS material:

  • At a glance
  • Media release
  • About report

Report at a glance

A Approach to performance reporting


Part A includes an introduction to the Report on Government Services 2023, Statistical context for the service-specific parts B to G, the Glossary and the Acronyms and abbreviations list.

B Child care, education and training


Part B includes performance reporting for Early childhood education and care (ECEC), School education and Vocational education and training (VET).

Sector overview

3 Early childhood education and care latest update: 6 june 2023

4 School education latest update: 6 june 2023

5 Vocational education and training latest update: 6 june 2023

C Justice


Part C includes performance reporting for Police services, Courts and Corrective services.

D Emergency management


Part D includes performance reporting for Emergency services for fire and other events.

E Health


Part E includes performance reporting for Primary and community health, Ambulance services, Public hospitals and Services for mental health.

F Community services


Part F includes performance reporting for Aged care services, Services for people with disability, Child protection services and Youth justice services.

G Housing and homelessness


Part G includes performance reporting for Housing and Homelessness services.

Media release

The Report on Government Services provides important information to help governments and the community understand the efficiency and effectiveness of key services to the community.

The Report looks at a broad range of indicators relating to services covering:

  • Education
  • Justice
  • Community services
  • Health
  • Emergency management
  • Housing and homelessness

This year’s Report provides new data on quality and safety in Aged care services and Services for people with disability, complementing existing quality and safety data in Public hospitals and Services for mental health.

“Understanding the quality and safety of the services that support some of the most vulnerable members of our community is an important part of ensuring that the significant investments governments make in these services are effective,” Michael Brennan, Chair of the Productivity Commission said.

“We are pleased to see these additions to the report. This type of data helps improve transparency and the accountability of governments to the communities they serve, and we will continue to look for ways to make more performance data available to the community across service delivery areas,” Mr Brennan said.

Expenditure on the services in this Report makes up over 70 per cent of Australian, State and Territory Governments’ expenditure, or around $313 billion dollars.

“Understanding the impact that this government expenditure is having on the lives of Australians is critical to understanding value for money for the community. As governments everywhere manage increasing fiscal constraints, it’s more important than ever before to know money is being well spent,” Chair Michael Brennan said.

The report covers 17 services and is being released in seven parts from Tuesday 24 January through to Tuesday 7 February 2023. The schedule of release can be found below. Releases will appear on the Productivity Commission website at:

The Report is produced by the Productivity Commission on behalf of all Australian governments. The 2023 Report is the 28th edition.

Release schedule

Tuesday 24 January 2023 – 12.15 am AEDT

  • Approach to performance reporting (Part A)
  • Community services (Part F)
  • Housing and homelessness (Part G)

Tuesday 31 January 2023 – 12.15 am AEDT

  • Justice (Part C)
  • Emergency management (Part D)

Thursday 2 February 2023 – 12.15 am AEDT

  • Health (Part E)

Tuesday 7 February 2023 – 12.15 am AEDT

  • Child care, education and training (Part B)

Background information

Jessica Read (Assistant Commissioner) - 03 9653 2356

Media requests

Media team – 02 6240 3330 or

About this report

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This report was produced under the direction of the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision (SCRGSP). The Steering Committee comprises the following current members:

Mr Michael Brennan
Mr Romlie Mokak
Convenor OID and IER Working Group
Productivity Commission
Productivity Commission
Mr Matt Crooke
Ms Lauren Le Cerf
Australian Government
Australian Government
The Treasury
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Ms Xuan Deng
Ms Jasmine Tsen
NSW Treasury
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Mr Michael Boelsen
Ms Sharon Oxlade
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Department of Treasury and Finance
Ms Nicole Tabb
Mr David Muller
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Queensland Treasury
Ms Ruth Brennan
Ms Lisa Bednarczyk
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Department of Treasury
Mr Chris McGowan
Mr Greg Raymond
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Department of Treasury and Finance
Ms Sue Kennedy TAS Department of Premier and Cabinet
Ms Wilhelmina Blount ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
Ms Nadia Phillips
Mr Mick Butler
Department of the Chief Minister
Department of Treasury and Finance
Mr Michael Smedes   Australian Bureau of Statistics
Mr Matthew James   Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Kurt Sibma, Melissa Rudez, Angela McIlwain, Anna Hughes and Catherine McFadyen also served on the Steering Committee during the production of this report.

Copyright and publication detail

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ISSN 2205-5703 (Online)


This work should be attributed as follows, Source: Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, Report on Government Services 2023.

If you have adapted, modified or transformed this work in anyway, please use the following, Source: based on Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision data, Report on Government Services 2023.

An appropriate reference for this publication is:

SCRGSP (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision) 2023, Report on Government Services 2023, Productivity Commission, Canberra, (accessed [include the date you accessed the online material]).

Publications enquiries:

The Productivity Commission acts as the Secretariat for the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision. This report and previous editions are available from the Productivity Commission website at

The Steering Committee welcomes enquiries and suggestions on the information contained in this report. Contact the Secretariat by phone: (03) 9653 2100 or CSRR enquiries form.

Printed copies

Printed copies of the complete set of volumes for this report can be purchased from Canprint Communications.

Please note: If you do not need the whole Report then you can purchase individual volumes from their respective web pages.

This publication is only available online.

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