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Housing construction productivity

Make a brief comment

The Commission is seeking brief comments from people working in or with the housing construction sector. We are interested in your views on change and innovation in residential construction, including:

  1. Is there a piece of kit, building technology, or a change in process, that has impacted the way you work?
  2. Have you been waiting for a DA? What’s it costing you and how is it impacting your business?
  3. How have the quality and design of the homes you’re building changed over the years?
  4. How have changing rules and regulations affected your ability to build homes?
  5. What would make it easier for you to build more homes?

Your insights will help us understand challenges in the sector and make informed recommendations for reform.

The Commission reserves the right to not publish material on its website that is offensive, potentially defamatory, or clearly out of scope for the inquiry.

Your details will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided them. Read the privacy policy for more information.

Please enter information in the fields marked: * required. Other fields are optional.

Brief comment

Maximum 500 words

Commenter's information

Individuals: Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?

Why do we ask this question?

We collect this information so that we can observe levels of engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations during this project, and to assess whether we need to alter our processes to encourage greater engagement.

Only staff of the Productivity Commission will be permitted access to this information. The information will be stored on secure, password-protected ICT systems and destroyed in accordance with terms detailed in the appropriate records authorities.

Information about individual participants’ Indigenous origin status will not be disclosed or published for any reason. However, we may publish the final total numbers or proportions of Indigenous engagement in this project.

You can seek access to our records of this information, and ask us to correct the information we hold about you, at any time.

For more information, see our complete Privacy Policy

Organisations: Is this an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisation?

Why do we ask this question?

We collect this information so that we can observe levels of engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations during this project, and to assess whether we need to alter our processes to encourage greater engagement.

Only staff of the Productivity Commission will be permitted access to this information. The information will be stored on secure, password-protected ICT systems and destroyed in accordance with terms detailed in the appropriate records authorities.

Information about individual participants’ Indigenous origin status will not be disclosed or published for any reason. However, we may publish the final total numbers or proportions of Indigenous engagement in this project.

You can seek access to our records of this information, and ask us to correct the information we hold about you, at any time.

For more information, see our complete Privacy Policy

Notification options

If you are unable to provide written comments and would like to provide comments verbally, please call Tracey Horsfall on 02 6240 3261.