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Understanding and utilisation of benefits under Free Trade Agreements

Productivity Commission submission

25 June 2024

The Productivity Commission made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth Inquiry into understanding and using benefits under Free Trade Agreements.

This submission draws mainly on the Commission’s work on trade and relates to the inquiry's terms of reference (TOR) parts a to d:

  1. What level of understanding is present of the social and economic benefits provided by Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)?
  2. The uptake of economic benefits to Australian businesses created by FTAs across Australia.
  3. To what extent regional, diaspora and First Nations communities take advantage of trade opportunities including the benefits created by FTAs?
  4. What difficulties are faced by Australian businesses, workers and communities in accessing the benefits created by FTAs, including non-tariff trade barrier?

The Commission has not produced any work that relates to TOR parts e or f and cannot comment on them.

The Commission provided the submission to the Committee on 21 June 2024 and it was published on the Commission's website on 25 June 2024.

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