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Supporting research and data

Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.

Higher education financing and policy

06 / 08 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the Review of Higher Education Financing and Policy.

Industry Economics Conference 1997

10 / 07 / 1997

Proceedings of the 1997 Industry Economics Conference on making markets competitive, held in Melbourne in July 1997.

NSW dairy industry

01 / 07 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the NSW Dairy Industry Review.

Role of economic instruments in managing the environment

01 / 07 / 1997

Role of economic instruments in managing the environment

Reforms in government services 1997

16 / 06 / 1997

The report consists of three case studies which examine the implementation of a shift from grant funding to purchasing of community services in South Australia, output based funding of public acute hospital care in Victoria, and competitive tendering and contracting of the management of correctional centres in Queensland.

International telecommunications reform in Australia

05 / 06 / 1997

International telecommunications reform in Australia

The economic impact of international airline alliances

29 / 05 / 1997

The economic impact of international airline alliances

The regulatory impact of the Australian Accounting Standards Board

01 / 05 / 1997

This submission to the Treasury on the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program qualitatively examines the incidence and impact of accounting standards, made under the Corporations Act 1989.

Specialized container transport's declaration application

01 / 05 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the National Competition Council on Specialized Container Transport's Declaration Application.

National Greenhouse Strategy

28 / 04 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the Intergovernmental Committee on Ecologically Sustainable Development (ICESD) on the National Greenhouse Strategy.

Informal equity investment

22 / 04 / 1997

Informal equity investment

More time for business

24 / 03 / 1997

A statement by The Prime Minister, The Honourable John Howard, MP on 24 March 1997.

A plan for development of nationally comparable school student learning outcomes through establishment of equivalences between existing state and territory tests

14 / 03 / 1997

The report, prepared by the Macquarie Consortium, details the project to develop nationally comparable school student learning outcomes through establishment of equivalences between existing State and Territory Tests.

Business programs

11 / 03 / 1997

An Industry Commission Submission to the Review of Business Programs, which was established to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs in order to recommend principles that should apply to them.

Telecommunications economics and policy issues

01 / 03 / 1997

Telecommunications economics and policy issues

Authorisation of the National Electricity Code

01 / 02 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on Authorisation of the National Electricity Code.

Community service obligations: Policies and practices of Australian governments

01 / 02 / 1997

A report on progress by governments in implementing new approaches to CSOs to: better specify the non-commercial objectives of GBEs; make the costs of CSOs more transparent; reduce the costs imposed on some users; improve and monitor the delivery of CSOs to targeted recipients; and reduce inconsistencies in the national performance monitoring of GBEs.

Assessing the potential for market power in the National Electricity Market

08 / 01 / 1997

Assessing the potential for market power in the National Electricity Market

National access regime

01 / 01 / 1997

An Industry Commission submission to the National Competition Council on the National Access Regime.

Impact of mutual recognition on regulations in Australia

30 / / 1997

This Information Paper discusses the impact of mutual recognition of regulations on labour market mobility and interstate trade in goods since 1993.


About our research

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

More about research