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Supporting research and data

Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.

Australian Atlantic Salmon: Effects of import competition

20 / 12 / 1996

Australian Atlantic Salmon: Effects of import competition

The changing of Australian manufacturing

01 / 12 / 1996

The changing of Australian manufacturing

Privacy protection in the private sector

01 / 12 / 1996

This submission comments on the proposal to extend the scope of privacy protection would affect a very wide range of businesses. It focuses on the direct marketing industry as that industry would be particularly affected although the general points made have broader application. This submission addresses three matters, the importance of using a Regulation Impact Statement to justify regulations that impact upon the direct marketing industry, avoiding unnecessary regulatory overlap on the direct marketing industry, and ensuring that regulations which impact upon business are created after adequate consultation with stakeholders.

Industry Commission Annual Report 1995-96

23 / 11 / 1996

The 1995-96 annual report of the Industry Commission.

Cross-media ownership rules

13 / 11 / 1996

This submission comments on the review of cross-media ownership which was conducted by the Department of Communications and the Arts.

Rural Adjustment Scheme

01 / 11 / 1996

An Industry Commission submission to the mid-term Review of the Rural Adjustment Scheme.

Internet and electronic cash

15 / 10 / 1996

This submission focuses on three matters, the importance of developing an optimal regulatory environment for electronic commerce, the use by Commonwealth government agencies of a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) when justifying and reviewing regulations that impact on business, and analysis of the potential impact of new or amended tax regulations on taxpayer compliance costs.

Reform and the distribution of income - An economy-wide approach

01 / 10 / 1996

Reform and the distribution of income - An economy-wide approach

GBE price reform - Effects on household expenditure

01 / 10 / 1996

GBE price reform - Effects on household expenditure

A model of investment in the Sydney four and five star hotel market

01 / 10 / 1996

A model of investment in the Sydney four and five star hotel market

Regulation and its review 1995-96

01 / 09 / 1996

The focus of this annual report publication is on the developments in government processes which are designed to achieve more effective, yet less intrusive, regulation.

Sugar industry

01 / 09 / 1996

An Industry Commission submission to the Sugar Industry Review Working Party.

Equity, efficiency and welfare

14 / 08 / 1996

Proceedings of the Industry Commission Conference on Equity, Efficiency and Welfare held in Melbourne on 1 and 2 November 1995.

Stocktake of progress in microeconomic reform

01 / 07 / 1996

Stocktake of progress in microeconomic reform

Compliance costs of taxation in Australia

01 / 07 / 1996

This submission explores a range of issues associated with compliance costs and the administration of the tax system.

Extending patent life: Is it in Australia's economic interests?

03 / 06 / 1996

Extending patent life: Is it in Australia's economic interests?

An economic framework for assessing the financial performance of Government Trading Enterprises

01 / 06 / 1996

The performance monitoring report, An Economic Framework for Assessing the Financial Performance of Government Trading Enterprises, promotes an understanding of the concepts associated with the measurement of Economic Rate of Return of Return (ERR) for Government Trading Enterprises (GTEs) across the Commonwealth, States and Territories.

Merger regulation

01 / 06 / 1996

This information paper reviews the Draft Merger Guidelines which were issued for comment in November 1992 by the then Trade Practices Commission (TPC), now the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). It draws on the available evidence on market structures, competition and contestability, both internationally and within Australia, including experience gained by the Industry Commission from public inquiries.

Land degradation and the Australian agricultural industry

01 / 06 / 1996

Land degradation and the Australian agricultural industry

Regulation and the direct marketing industry

01 / 05 / 1996

This submission comments on the direct marketing industry in response to the discussion paper from the Working Group on Direct Marketing.


About our research

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

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