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Supporting research and data

Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.

The electricity industry in South Australia

29 / 04 / 1996

The electricity industry in South Australia

The impact of APEC's free trade commitment

01 / 02 / 1996

The impact of APEC's free trade commitment

Industry Commission Annual Report 1994-95

23 / 11 / 1995

The 1994-95 annual report of the Industry Commission.

An economic analysis of copyright reform

01 / 11 / 1995

This submission to the Copyright Law Review Committee comments on the review of the Copyright Act (Cth) 1968.

Implementing the National Competition Policy: Access and price regulation

01 / 11 / 1995

Implementing the National Competition Policy: Access and price regulation

Regulation and its review 1994-95

01 / 11 / 1995

This report covers the regulatory environment, issues in regulation, developments in regulation review policies and practices, and the Operations of the Office of Regulation Review.

Enforcing Australia's food laws

01 / 11 / 1995

Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS); Food inspection; Food labelling; Food packaging; Food products; Food safety; Imported Food Inspection Program (IFIP); National Food Authority (NFA); National Food Standards Council;

Does Pacific Power have market power

14 / 08 / 1995

Does Pacific Power have market power

Tax law improvement project

03 / 08 / 1995

This submission

Issues in infrastructure pricing

01 / 08 / 1995

Issues in infrastructure pricing

Pigs and pigmeat

31 / 07 / 1995

The Industry Commission research report, Pigs and Pigmeat, studied the effects of pigmeat imports on the performance of the domestic pig industries.

Beyond the firm - An assessment of business linkages and networks in Australia

01 / 07 / 1995

Beyond the firm - An assessment of business linkages and networks in Australia

Winegrape and wine industry in Australia

30 / 06 / 1995

Winegrape and wine industry in Australia

Insurance and Superannuation Commission (ISC) discussion papers on derivatives

31 / 05 / 1995

This submission comments on the approach taken by the Insurance and Superannuation Commission in three Discussion Papers (released on 27 March 1995) dealing with the regulation of derivatives for superannuation; life insurance; and general insurance.

Review of the licensing regime for securities advisers

01 / 04 / 1995

This submission offers some observations and suggestions about the regulation of securities advisers. These comments cover the process which the Commonwealth Government requires any regulatory authority to use when amending regulations, as well as the ORR views on some particular issues for consideration flagged by the Australian Securities Commission in the Issues Paper from its review of the licensing regime.

Environmental impact assessment

31 / 03 / 1995

This submission comments on elements of proposals contained in the Environmental Protection Agency's discussion paper, Public Review of Commonwealth Environmental Impact Assessment Process.

Australian gas industry and markets study

09 / 03 / 1995

The report resulted from an Industry Commission study of the Australian gas industry to assist the Trade Practices Commission in its review of an authorisation granted to the Australian Gas Light Company in 1986 covering gas marketing arrangements between that company and the South Australian Cooper Basin gas producers.

The growth and revenue implications of Hilmer and related reforms

07 / 03 / 1995

In this report, the Industry Commission investigated the effect of economic growth and revenue of "Hilmer and related reforms" including where these reforms had already commenced.

Competition and retail banking

01 / 03 / 1995

This submission to the Prices Surveillance Authority's Public Inquiry into Fees and Charges Imposed on Retail Transaction Accounts by Banks and Other Financial Institutions examines whether fees and charges are set in a competitive environment, looks at their incidence on different groups within society and assesses the case for government intervention.

Australian manufacturing industry and international trade data 1968-69 to 1992-93

01 / 03 / 1995

Australian manufacturing industry and international trade data 1968-69 to 1992-93


About our research

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

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