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Supporting research and data

Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.

International performance indicators - Telecommunications 1995

01 / 03 / 1995

International performance indicators - Telecommunications 1995

The use of cost litigation rules to improve the efficiency of the legal system

01 / 03 / 1995

This submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission review of the litigation cost rules comments on whether changes should be made to how costs are awarded in proceedings before federal courts and tribunals.

Assistance to agricultural and manufacturing industries

01 / 03 / 1995

Assistance to agricultural and manufacturing industries

Australia's visa system for visitors

01 / 02 / 1995

This submission examines the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the visitor visa system, and possible alternatives to the visitor visa system, including the options of visa free travel or multiple entry visas.

Pre-merger notification and the Trade Practices Act 1974

01 / 02 / 1995

This submission assesses the Trade Practices Commission’s need for more, and more timely, information from firms intending to merge.

Corporations Law Simplification Taskforce

01 / 02 / 1995

Four submissions which were made to the Corporations Law, Simplifications Task Force.

Competitive safeguards in telecommunications

01 / 02 / 1995

This submission comments primarily on the competition policy issues raised in Chapter Six an of issues paper, 'Beyond the Duopoly - Australian Telecommunications Policy and Regulation', released for comment in September 1994 by the Minister for Communications and the Arts.

The analysis and regulation of safety risk

01 / 02 / 1995

The analysis and regulation of safety risk

Broadband cable access regime

24 / / 1995

This submission comments on access to facilities in circumstances where there are questions as to whether the facilities are "essential" and whether natural monopolies exist.

Compliance with the road transport law

01 / 12 / 1994

This submission comments on selected propositions from the National Road Transport Commission NRTC paper, 'Compliance with the Road Transport Law: Principles, Objectives and Strategies', released June 1994. In particular, the submission focuses on the first proposition, that the objective of compliance strategies should be to maximise compliance with standards as cost-effectively and fairly as possible. It also provides brief comments on some related issues.

National Competition Policy: Draft legislative package

01 / 12 / 1994

This submission comments on two aspects of the National Competition Policy Draft Legislative Package - the policy goals of the proposed new institutions, and the process whereby access declarations would be made and administered.

Industry Commission Annual Report 1993-94

31 / 10 / 1994

Industry Commission Annual Report 1993-94

Country of origin labelling of food

01 / 10 / 1994

This submission comments on the National Food Authority's Discussion Paper. It examines the rationale for country of origin labelling in general, and assesses the proposal against the Government's regulation review framework.

Guidelines on accounting policy for valuation of assets of Government Trading Enterprises: Using current valuation methods

01 / 10 / 1994

The performance monitoring report, Guidelines on Accounting Policy for Valuation of Assets of Government Trading Enterprises, provides the framework to enable a consistent approach to the valuation of non-current physical assets of GTEs involved in national performance monitoring exercises.

Developments in regulation and its review 1993-94

01 / 09 / 1994

Developments in regulation and its review 1993-94

What future for price surveillance?

01 / 09 / 1994

This submission to the Prices Surveillance Authority's review builds on its views on competition policy in its discussion paper Pro-competitive Regulation, with additional research and the findings of recent Industry Commission inquiries that have dealt with prices surveillance.

The Migration Agents Registration Scheme: Effects and improvements

01 / 08 / 1994

This submission is in response to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration's inquiry into the Migration Agents Registration Scheme. The submission comments on the effects of the current scheme and highlights some details of the scheme which may require amendment. It also discusses other approaches the government could take which may help overcome problems in the migration agents market.

General equilibrium models and policy advice in Australia

08 / 06 / 1994

General equilibrium models and policy advice in Australia

Community service obligations: Some definitional, costing and funding issues

01 / 04 / 1994

This Steering Committee paper examines ways to develop a more consistent approach to the definition, costing and funding of CSOs and the basis for a more broadly agreed approach between jurisdictions.

The SALTER model of the world economy

01 / 04 / 1994

This paper documents the theoretical structure of the new SALTER model, its database and parameters.


About our research

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

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