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Through our research, the Commission contributes to the public debate and encourages informed policy discussion. The Commission has six research streams:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stream
  • Climate Change and Energy
  • Environment and Water
  • Health and Ageing
  • Industry and Trade
  • Productivity.

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

Margaret Wayland (PDF - 575k)

Submission DR585 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

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Date received: 2 Sep 2014

Katerina Athanassiou (PDF - 76k)

Submission DR584 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

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Date received: 2 Sep 2014

Justin Law (PDF - 12k)

Submission DR484 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Dear sir/madam, Please do not take away or reduce the 50% rebate for higher income families. Our tax is already a lot higher which means after tax our income are similar to those middle class family. Reducing the 50% rebate will impact our financial

Date received: 16 Aug 2014

Richard Lawton (PDF - 60k)

Submission DR492 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern, Please, please please, scrap Tony Abbott’s expensive, wasteful paid parental leave scheme. This was a wild election promise that should not be born out in fact. All the research points to the efficacy of subsidising

Date received: 19 Aug 2014

Meredith Wakeman (PDF - 77k)

Submission DR588 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

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Date received: 2 Sep 2014

Amber Lloyd (PDF - 32k)

Submission DR561 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern,. I believe we need diploma and early childhood qualified teachers to teach the children (0-36) months as that is when they are in their primal learning stage. We need to have qualified educators in their environment so they

Date received: 2 Sep 2014

Sarah Bozala (PDF - 83k)

Submission DR583 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

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Date received: 2 Sep 2014

Name Withheld (PDF - 75k)

Submission DR550 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern, Please find attached a coversheet for my submission in response to the Productivity Commission report. My submission is as follows: No Diplomas required for children under 3 years old - disagree As a qualified professional

Date received: 1 Sep 2014

Calum Ludwig (PDF - 31k)

Submission DR536 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern, My wife and I strongly feel that the idea of early learning educators who educate and care for children under 3 years of age no longer be required to hold a diploma in early childhood development is a an awful idea rort with

Date received: 29 Aug 2014