Through our research, the Commission contributes to the public debate and encourages informed policy discussion. The Commission has six research streams:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stream
- Climate Change and Energy
- Environment and Water
- Health and Ageing
- Industry and Trade
- Productivity.
The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.
Fully-matching results
Jack Priestly (PDF - 33k)
Submission DR59 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
The Northern Territory is of strategic importance to Australia but its resources and potential are left untapped due to lack of infrastructure, population and services. Reducing our GST revenue will do nothing for the long-term national interest. It
Date received: 27 Oct 2017
BHP Billiton (PDF - 1138k)
Submission 42 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
5 July 2017. Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Vic 8003. Dear Commissioners Chester and Cappel,. BHP 171 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 T 61 3 9609 3333 F 61 3 9609 3015
Date received: 4 Jul 2017
Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) (PDF - 425k)
Submission 18 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
Adelaide 61 8 7087 7111. Brisbane 61 7 3231 0500. Darwin 61 8 8943 0675. Perth 61 8 9426 7200. Canberra (Head Office). Level 10. 60 Marcus Clarke St. Canberra ACT
Date received: 29 Jun 2017
Doug Buckley (PDF - 68k)
Submission DR57 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
Comment on 9 October 2017 Productivity. Commission draft report on HFE. Doug Buckley, 17 October 2017. General There is a chance that I have missed it in your publications but surely there is a case for the PC including some kind of overall comment
Date received: 17 Oct 2017
Victorian Trades Hall Council (PDF - 467k)
Submission DR93 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
The process of equalising to the strongest state provides all Australians with a relatively equal level of government services. The proposal to change this to the second strongest state essentially creates a two tier system in which one state will
Date received: 8 Dec 2017
Tasmanian Greens (PDF - 98k)
Submission DR79 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
THE EENS. Cassy O'Connor MP Greens Leader. Member for Denison. Denison Electorate office 7 Franklin Wharf, Hobart TAS 7000. Phone: (03) 6212 2228 E: Cassy.O' tasmps. greens. org. au. 10 November 2017. Horizontal Fiscal
Date received: 10 Nov 2017
David Burt (PDF - 114k)
Submission DR64 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
A PROPOSED SOLUTION FOR THE GST DISTRIBUTION. Preamble. The Productivity Commission, in its Interim Report, stated that the EPC system would be. simple and effective in achieving a significant redistribution of the GST from the better. performing
Date received: 13 Apr 2018
Ken Clarke (PDF - 47k)
Submission DR67 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO HORIZONTAL FISCAL EQUALISATION. The Productivity Commission report seems to have glossed over the fundamental reason why Governments need any revenue at all. And that has to be clear before
Date received: 9 Nov 2017
George Williams (PDF - 110k)
Submission 2 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list
FACULTY OF LAW. GEORGE WILL IAMS AO. DE AN AN T H O N Y M A S ON P R OFE SS OR. SC IE NT IA P R OF E S S OR. S Y D N E Y 2 0 5 2 A U S T R A L I A. 5 June 2017 Inquiry into Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation Thank you for the opportunity to make a
Date received: 5 Jun 2017