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Through our research, the Commission contributes to the public debate and encourages informed policy discussion. The Commission has six research streams:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stream
  • Climate Change and Energy
  • Environment and Water
  • Health and Ageing
  • Industry and Trade
  • Productivity.

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

NatRoad (PDF - 498k)

Submission 7 for National Transport Regulatory Reform View full list

It is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).8. ... NatRoad strongly promotes the Government establishing an independent price regulator for heavy vehicle charges.

Date received: 27 Jun 2019

Wagga Wagga City Council (PDF - 75k)

Submission 54 for Australia's Urban Water Sector View full list

The network comprises over 530kms of gravity and pressure mains, 36 pump stations and six sewerage treatment plants. ... are actively expanding our effluent reuse network to reduce water demand and provide alternative sources of water.

Date received: 23 Nov 2010

Sydney Water (PDF - 280k)

Submission 68 for Australia's Urban Water Sector View full list

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) have determined Sydney Water’s prices since 2000. ... Meters are also an essential tool in controlling leakage and managing the distri- bution network efficiently.

Date received: 16 Dec 2010

Australian Trucking Association (ATA) (PDF - 393k)

Submission 32 for National Transport Regulatory Reform View full list

8. Access for a modern, safer, more productive and better-connected road freight network. ... There’s no provision for external review of decisions made by road managers. •

Date received: 5 Jul 2019

Market Reform (Larry Ruff) and Geoff Swier (PDF - 529k)

Submission 47 for Australia's Urban Water Sector View full list

drought conditions have created excess network capacity. One of the key questions in. ... 13 Independent Review of Competition and Innovation in Water Markets: Final report, Professor.

Date received: 15 Nov 2010

Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) Water Leadership (PDF - 816k)

Submission 62 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Darling Basin Authority’s benchmark model. An independent expert panel appointed by the. ... independent external review or oversight. The MDBA is regarded by the community as insufficiently.

Date received: 20 Apr 2018

FreightCorp % (PDF - 46k)

Submission DR67 for Black Coal Industry View full list

It would appear that competition on the NSW rail network has been delayed by the uncertainty of the access environment. ... market. FreightCorp’s reform program includes:. • Head office review. - review of functions and structures, - voluntary

Date received: 3 Jun 1998

Profs Sarah Wheeler | Jeff Connor | Quentin Grafton | Lin Crase and John Quiggin (PDF - 527k)

Submission 40 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Blackwell B, McFarlane J, Stayner R. (2016) Final Review Report for the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) An Independent Review of the Social and Economic Modelling Inputs to the Northern Basin ... For each job created from upgrades, the money spent

Date received: 19 Apr 2018

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (PDF - 935k)

Submission 81 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

The Water Act also requires two independent reviews of the WESA to be completed by 30 September 2019 and by 30 September 2021 respectively. ... On the basis of the findings of the independent EY analysis and the Water Act’s inbuilt review requirements

Date received: 7 May 2018

Sydney Water (PDF - 1326k)

Submission 21 for Australia's Urban Water Sector View full list

An independent expert panel, chaired by Chris Davis, reviews the Plan. ... reducing leaks from the network. • • • • regulatory measures and planning requirements and promoting water efficient appliances, and. • • • •

Date received: 5 Nov 2010